Friday, September 17, 2010

Do laptops pass you fund problems?


YES. Daily Mail, a report paper surrounded by United Kingdom reports

Laptops are crippling millions with rear problems.

it is known to hold given Back, neck and repetitive strain injuries to the wrist (by placing the wrist to the turn-up of the laptop).

Solution: use a desktop or buy a docking station, which connects ur laptop to a monitor (and its totally immobile, irony)

hope this helps :)
simple answer NO !!! they are really good.
if you hunch over them yeah.
It probably depends on the position you sit when you use them. Maybe it cause people to hunch over and that could basis back problems. My sophomore year within college I would always lay on the living room on my stomach when typing on my laptop and that started to hurt after awhile.
No, poor posture and ergonomics will tender you back problems. Laptops themselves cannot do that. Try using your laptop on a desk, table, or other surface where on earth you will be able to work near the laptop in a properly supported position.

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