Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dell Inspiron 1100 processor get hot?

Hello My dell inspiron 1100 have a processor temperature unexploited at around 45c but when I do some things like virus scan and video and convert music it can get up to 63c. It is a Pentium 4 2.2. The tricky drive only runs at 45c. My ask is how hot is too hot. should I put some new thermal fasten on the die? what is the normal dignified for these processors.


45c to 50c is a really good breadth to have. The cpu can shift up to 90c before dying. Going over 50c does confer it a slight change to create errors, the closer to 90c it get, the higher the arbitrariness for errors. Some cpus will not error out so easy, others (same models as well) can error out more over 50c. It's a luck of the draw.

It is best to try to preserve it around the 50c mark. reapply the thermal soft mass might help out, you might want to consider of getting a better heatsink as in good health. Goto for pricing.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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