Friday, September 17, 2010

Dell Latitude c510/610 S Video port problem.?

Heres the buy and sell the monitor on my laptop is smashed so i am unable to see what is on the peak, I realized it have an S Video port on the side so I went and bought an S Video cord so I could hook it up to my tube, I hooked it up and it worked then the laptop closed on fluke putting the laptop into sleep mode and when I woke the laptop up the television say no signal on the screen. I hold rebooted and unplugged and replugged the cables put money on in and it still is recitation me no signal on the TV screen.


Well, this is extremely thorny to answer since I don't have indistinguishable computer/video card as you, but I'll try.

Well, some laptops have fast keys that allow you to rework monitors using the keyboard. If you own a fn key on your baby grand (might be blue) try holding that and selecting of your F key. Eg. fn+F3 or fn+F8

If not then right click on a blank nouns of your desktop (not on an icon) and select Properties

From there click on the Settings tab. Now this eyeshade may be different depending on your computer/video card, so try switching monitors near the Display drop down box.

Otherwise try click on Advanced (bottom right corner) and look around in near for a way to switch your monitor to an alternate display. Try using the Help function while surrounded by that Advanced screen.

Otherwise check here:

That's the support guide for a Dell Latitude c510

Good Luck!

The answers post by the user, for information merely, does not guarantee the right.

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